Dentist-implantologist NVOI / Practice owner
“Beautiful and healthy teeth are something you work together to achieve!”
In 2007, Babette graduated as a dentist from Radboud University in Nijmegen. After that, she worked for 8 years in a practice for general dentistry and implantology. In 2015, she took the step to her own practice. A dream come true! In addition to general dentistry, she specializes in oral implantology. She is a dentist-implantologist recognized by the NVOI. Babette strives for high quality and pays a lot of attention to the person in her chair. She often works with a microscope and a digital oral scanner. She is also very active in various study groups.
Babette no longer has room for new patients, with the exception of patients referred for implant treatments.
Working days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
BIG registration 79908876902
“I start every day with a healthy and radiant smile and I want that for my patients too.”
Jantine has been part of our team since February 2019. This cheerful Leiderdorp resident completed her dental training at ACTA in Amsterdam and keeps her knowledge up to date. Jantine is relaxed and she also has that effect on the people who lie in her chair. In the 5 years as a general dentist, she has developed a clear preference for a specific field: periodontology (the study of the supporting tissues of the teeth and molars: the jawbone and the gums). In September 2024, she started the 3-year specialist training at ACTA to become a dentist-periodontist.
Working days: Friday
BIG registration 49925555402
“My mission is to provide patients with a pleasant treatment and send them home with a smile.”
This Amsterdam native studied at ACTA in her hometown. During her studies, she worked in various assistant roles in a dental practice. Roos is a very approachable dentist due to her social and open character. She brings a friendly atmosphere with her, which has a very pleasant effect on children and people who are tense about their treatment. Her great hobby is musical and theater, in her free time she prefers to be on stage!
Working days: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
BIG registration 09926449902
“With the right approach, everyone can receive good, customized dental treatment!”
Sjoerd's perseverance is proven by his determination to become a dentist. After being rejected several times for the study of dentistry in the Netherlands, he studied in Riga, Latvia. A high-level English-language study programme. He has now gained several years of experience in practices in Utrecht and Amsterdam. Sjoerd really listens to someone's story. He specialises in transparent braces. He also has a great affinity with anxiety counselling. His calm character comes in handy there, but he can also be a bit stubborn!
Working days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
BIG registration 59924891302
Tijmen studied dentistry in Nijmegen and will join our team in November 2024. He stands for high-quality care with a personal touch. His specific interest lies in restorative dentistry. Tijmen has done volunteer work in Nepal, where he provided dental care and information to the local population under very primitive conditions. In his spare time, he likes to play the saxophone.
Working days: Wednesday and Thursday
BIG registration 59935466002
Anne studied dentistry at ACTA in Amsterdam. She is a fun, spontaneous dentist who can adapt well to the person in her chair with her communication skills! She is flexible, reliable and social. As a student she already worked as a dental assistant, so she knows all aspects of the treatments. Her hobbies are golf and traveling. Greece in particular stole her heart!
Working days: Tuesday
BIG registration 69933995802
Registered Dental Hygienist
Britt completed her studies in Oral Health Care in 2017 at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences in Groningen. She has gained a lot of experience in a large practice for Periodontology, where she became acquainted with all aspects of the profession. Britt is friendly, calm and knowledgeable. You are in good hands with her! In her spare time she is committed to the volunteer fire brigade in Warmond.
Working days: Tuesday and Wednesday
BIG registration 99932779079
Registered Dental Hygienist
Fleur graduated as a dental hygienist from the Hogeschool Utrecht in 2019 and gained some experience in various practices before she started in our practice. With her professional and patient-oriented attitude, she is an asset to our team. She is also friendly and calm, qualities that make her a great practitioner. She has a great affinity for anxiety counseling. She is a member of the Dutch Association of Dental Hygienists.
Working days: Wednesday and Friday
BIG registration 19932751679
Registered Dental Hygienist
Anna is back! In 2019 she stopped with us to further qualify as a registered dental hygienist. This means that she is also authorized to fill cavities. So she certainly has not been sitting still and even followed courses abroad. Anna is a calm person and she radiates that during her treatments.
Working days: Tuesday and Thursday
BIG registration 79922111279
Dental hygienist
Judith is precise, structured and very athletic. Even after 25 years of experience, she is still open to learning. In 2021, she completed the post-HBO periodontology training at ACTA. Her affinity with periodontology is great. You are in very professional hands with her. In her spare time, she likes to go to the beach, always accompanied by her black Labrador. She likes to stand on the surfboard!
Working days: Monday and Thursday
Dental hygienist
“Healthy teeth are not just a pretty business card. Good teeth make your life a lot better.”
This cheerful Katwijk resident completed her dental care training at the Arnhem and Nijmegen University of Applied Sciences in 2013. Since then, she has worked as a dental hygienist in various practices and has been with us since 2016. Anne is friendly and calm, which her patients find very pleasant. She is a member of the Dutch Association of Dental Hygienists.
Anne currently works for us on an occasional basis on a temporary basis.
Dental hygienist
Youssra recently joined our team. She was trained at the Inholland University of Applied Sciences. Youssra is a very communicative dental hygienist. She wants to convey how important good oral health is. She gives clear instructions and advice, which will undoubtedly motivate you to take good care of your teeth!
Working days: Tuesday
Clinical prosthetic technician
Farid has over 30 years of experience in dental technology. He works for Excent Tandtechniek and is present in our practice on Tuesday mornings. You can go to Farid for dentures, but also for repairs, emergency plates, pressure points and frame dentures and a 'click denture' on implants.
Dental assistant / Periodontal prevention assistant
“It's nice to be able to perform various tasks with the patient.”
Ingrid van Willegen joined the Beerman dental practice in 2003, first as a receptionist and then as a dental assistant. In 2005, Ingrid obtained the certificate for ortho-assistant and the diploma for preventive assistant. In 2010, she obtained the diploma for periodontal prevention. Since then, she has worked as a periodontal prevention assistant and also assists at the dentist's chair. Ingrid enjoys the alternation of treating and assisting herself. As well as working with colleagues and dealing with patients. She finds it important to explain the treatment.
Dental assistant / Preventive assistant
“Dealing with patients, especially seeing that they are satisfied after the treatment”
Cellie Giordano has been working as a dental assistant since 1999; since 2001 at the Beerman dental practice. After obtaining her diploma as a preventive assistant in 2010, she also focuses on prevention and oral hygiene. The combination with assisting brings her pleasure in her work. This also applies to reassuring patients. Cellie believes it is important that people feel at ease.
Dental assistant / Preventive assistant
“The most beautiful thing you can wear is a smile; we are happy to give it to you!”
Petra, originally from Slovakia, has been working with us since January 2019. She already has the necessary experience in the field and you can find her at every dentist with us. She is now a certified preventive assistant and independently performs dental cleanings and other preventive treatments. With her humor she knows how to break the ice quickly!
Dental assistant / Preventive assistant
The gentle Alia is a real all-round assistant: she is a preventive assistant and independently performs various treatments. In addition, she also assists the dentist at the chair. In addition to working in the oral care she loves so much, she studies skin therapy. Ambition is not foreign to her!
Working days: Wednesday and Friday
Dental assistant
“I get the most pleasure from my work when patients leave with a smile on their face.”
Janneke started in 2002 as an assistant to dentist Teune. With great pleasure she moved to the new practice in 2015 where she is a familiar face to many. Janneke is very stress-resistant and can put things into perspective. She is a calm and loyal factor within the practice.
Prevention assistant
Pauline “Pien” has been in the profession since 2009. She is an experienced assistant who has also been independently performing preventive treatments since her training as a prevention assistant in 2011. She enjoys giving people a clean mouth and helping them to maintain this optimally at home. Pauline is social and reliable. She likes to have a chat and a joke, so that you quickly feel at ease!
Working days: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday
Dental assistant / Dietitian
“Life is more beautiful when we can eat delicious food with our own teeth!”
Anouchka has been working as a certified dental assistant since 2010. This committed assistant can usually be found at the chair, but you can also find her behind the counter. She is multi-deployable. In 2018, she completed her studies in Nutrition and Dietetics. As a dietician, she also has a lot of knowledge about the influence of nutrition on teeth. A valuable combination in the dental practice!
Dental assistant
“Service is my top priority, I like to help people as best I can!”
Kseniya is social and eager to learn. She has a lot of perseverance, as evidenced by her many diplomas obtained since her arrival from Russia to the Netherlands in 2008. Healthcare has always appealed to her, because she likes to help people and she has now completely found her place as a dental assistant. She is accurate and caring. That will certainly benefit you when you meet her at the chair!
Sterilization assistant
Tetiana comes from Ukraine and has been in the Netherlands since April 2022 because of the war. In her home country she has always worked in healthcare. Tetiana is very excited to practice her profession again and to be able to make herself useful in Dutch society.
Office manager
This Czech will welcome you warmly at the counter with her friendly appearance. You can also recognize her on the phone by her charming accent. Dana has experience as a receptionist and saleswoman. She studied accountancy in her home country. She is communicative and extremely motivated to make you feel comfortable and offer good service. Within our team she is responsible for the planning, and that is certainly not an easy task with a large team!
Counter clerk
“I love people and I like to help everyone with a big smile at the counter, on the phone or online”.
Sandra has been with us since February 2022. She is one of the regular faces behind the counter who greets you when you enter or who gets you on the phone. Sandra has a degree in graphic design, but was looking for a position with more contact with people. She is friendly, creative and a real multitasker. Sandra can also be used as a photographer, as our portrait photos show!
Counter clerk
The newest face behind the counter! Mariska has been strengthening our team since February 2025. She has been working in dentistry since 2019. First as a circulating assistant, later as a counter clerk. She is friendly and service-oriented and will speak to you professionally. An asset to our team!